Not your keys – not your coins


Andreas antonopolous
Her er glossary

Fiduciary = (of a paper currency) depending for its value on securities (as opposed to gold) or the reputation of the issuer.

security = pant (a thing deposited or pledged as a guarantee of the fulfilment of an undertaking or the repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in case of default.)


Her er noter til denne video
What is a key?
a key is just a number – a very very big number
#hexadecimal: relating to or using a system of numerical notation that has 16 rather than 10 as its base.


Base32 :

PDF] The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings | Semantic Scholar

How does it work?
selve privatekey’en kan have en adress(som unikt identificerer den)(også et nummer – og også kaldet ‘public key’ og en digital signatur (også et nummer) som viser at vi kontrollerer den.
Do not reuse adresses (vel ikke det samme som at vi ikke kan reuse privatekey?)
Hirakical deterministic wallet (HD wallet) = a tree of keys from a single seed

Her er tillægs information:
Can someone guess my private key?

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